Snow Shoveling Snafu? Try These Sleeping Positions for Back Pain

Snow Shoveling Snafu? Try These Sleeping Positions for Back Pain

JUST A QUICK look at the snow rapidly accumulating on the ground is enough to make your back start to hurt. The American Chiropractic Association claims that most causes of back pain are not chronic conditions. In short, you and millions of other snow-shoveling Americans are far from alone. All you want to do is recuperate, and you can do it by resting in bed. With a few different ways to approach your bedtime routine, you can learn how to sleep with lower back pain.

How to Sleep with Back Pain

Sleeping with back pain is not unlike sleeping without back pain. Beside gentle stretches before you go to sleep, you should make sure that you have a good quality mattress that provides adequate support. While you don’t need a mattress built like a rock while you recover from mild back soreness, you do want to make sure your mattress isn’t sagging.

Best Sleeping Position: On Your Back

You may be surprised to learn that experts disagree on the ideal sleeping position for healthy adults. It depends on what you need to achieve from your sleep, and what you are trying to avoid while you sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation argues that sleeping on your back is the best sleep position, especially for your upper back and neck. However, since less than one out of 10 American adults sleeps that way , they say that there are other methods you can use without putting pressure on your spine, such as a loose fetal position or side sleeping. (If you are trying to change your normal sleeping position, you should avoid heavy sedatives unless prescribed by your doctor. They can make it more difficult to be aware of poor sleep habits.)

Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain

Based on the different recommendations from various experts, the best sleeping position for lower back pain is one that you can use properly and consistently.

Sleeping on your back is ideal, but you may need to add a small pillow under your lower back to keep the natural curve of your spine. If you prefer to sleep on your side, use a pillow between your legs to avoid putting pressure on your hips and knees.

Although experts tend to agree that sleeping on your stomach is not ideal for your lower back, you can manage it if you must. Avoid using a high-profile pillow for your head that bends your head and neck backward. Put another pillow under your pelvis to support your lower back and hips. It may be better overall if you learn to sleep in another position, at least while you are on shovel duty.

Getting a good night’s sleep is harder when your back hurts. The snow is not going to quit anytime soon, so you find a sleeping position for lower back pain. Your back will thank you.

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