5 Questions to Ask When Buying a Mattress

5 Questions to Ask When Buying a Mattress

IF YOU NEED A NEW MATTRESS, you definitely know it. When your old one wears out, your body can tell — and it’s surely letting you know via a fine communication system of aches, pains and stiffness each morning.

Once you start shopping for a new mattress, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are hundreds of styles to choose from, and it’s nearly impossible to know which types of mattresses are right for you — or even what the differences are between them — at first glance. It’s going to take some time to explore your options, but that’s as it should be: After all, you’re going to spend nearly a third of your life up close and personal with the mattress you choose.

It’s important to get it right.

Which Type of Mattress Is Right for You?

In general, there are two types of mattresses: ones made with traditional coiled springs and ones made of specialty foam. Both are designed to support your spine while still staying soft enough to reduce pressure on your body — particularly your shoulders and hips. That’s a delicate balance, and every body is different — which is why it’s critical to test out those mattresses in person to see which one feels right to you.

Verlo’s Comfort Coaches are specially trained to get you to the Goldilocks state: not too soft (so your spine curves out of alignment), not too hard (so your hips aren’t aching by morning), but just right.

Your Mattress Buying Guide: 5 Questions to Ask

When you pick a day to spend in the showroom, be sure that you have enough time to test out all the mattresses, and speak with an expert to find out more details about the mattresses you like best.

Here are important questions to ask:

    • How Long Is the Warranty? You want to choose a mattress that the seller will stand by. Generally, the longer the warranty, the longer you can expect the mattress to last so you get a good investment.
    • Does This Mattress Require a Foundation? Coiled spring mattresses usually require a “box spring” or foundation for even wear. A foundation may be optional for a foam mattress, though you might prefer it for the added height.
    • Does This Mattress Have Good Motion Separation? If you share your bed with a partner, this is a biggie. Motion separation helps keep your partner’s motions from vibrating your side of the bed, which allows you to get an uninterrupted night’s sleep. (Still no cure for snoring, though.)
    • How’s the Temperature Regulation? Some mattresses are made with materials that hold in a lot of heat, which can leave you too hot to sleep. Look for a mattress made with materials designed to dissipate body heat.
    • What’s This Mattress Made of? Mattresses can be made from natural or synthetic materials. If you have a known allergy, or if you’re interested in purchasing a sustainable mattress, find out exactly what materials are involved before pulling the trigger on your purchase.

As you test out various mattresses, it’s a good idea to take notes about what you liked and what you didn’t. Knowing which ones feel too firm and which ones feel too soft can help you narrow down your selection to find the perfect mattress for your body. Don’t give up on buying a mattress — your ideal one is out there!

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